My Project and Portfolio

 My Project and Portfolio

Hello everyone, I am Nabil, I am an Actuarial Science graduate. In this post, I will share some of the projects that my colleagues and I have worked on. The scope of this project includes the fields of Actuarial, data analytics, data science, and product design. Here are some of my projects:

1. Dashboard dan Pemodelan Data Pariwisata Jawa Barat

This project is a project made by me and my friend in the 2021 National Data Science Tournament (TSDN) competition organized by Cyber Trend Data Academy. In the competition, participants are required to analyze and get insights from several available datasets. Our team decided to use tourism data in West Java. The purpose of using tourism data is to assist the government in restoring tourism affected by COVID-19. From our analysis, the government can find out the tourism potential of each region that can be promoted again after COVID-19. In addition, the government can also find out which regions have not maximized their tourism potential based on the classification model formed. 

In full, this project can be seen at the following link: 
  • Details and explanation:
  • Notebook:
  • Dashboard:

2. Asia Student Paper Competition

In 2021, my colleagues and I had the opportunity to participate in the Asia Student Paper Competition organized by Universitas Islam Indonesia (UII). The competition was attended by students from various countries in Asia. In this competition, participants were given a challenge to make an academic paper within the scope of statistics and its application. 

The competition begins with abstract submission, abstract acceptance, full paper submission, selection of the 30 best papers, and final determination of the 3 best papers through presentations held online on July 23, 2022. Long story short, my team and I, who are all from the actuarial department, decided to make and submit a paper entitled "Estimation of Prospective Benefit Reserve Based on Gross Premium Valuation Method using Indonesian Mortality Table IV and De Moivre Assumptions". 

The paper that my colleague and I made in this competition, the details can be seen at the following link

3. Classification Project

In 2022, I, my lecturers, and my colleagues made a data science paper entitled "Pengelompokan Tingkat Pengangguran, Kemiskinan, dan Pendapatan di Kabupaten/Kota Provinsi Jawa Barat Menggunakan Metode K-Means dan Metode Fuzzy C-Means". In the paper, we conducted clustering of cities in West Java based on several economic indicators using K-Means Method and Fuzzy C-Means Method analysis. The purpose of grouping these regions is so that the government can make policies according to social and economic conditions so as to reduce inequality and advance the province of West Java.

In full, this paper can be seen at the following link:

4. Paper project with my lecturers

In August 2022, my lecturer told me to assist her in making a paper with the scope of stochastic modeling. The paper was titled "Jump Diffusion Model for Stock Market Price of Small and Medium-Size Enterprises". In 2022, the paper was successfully published in the American Institute of Physics (AIP) proceedings.

In full, this paper can be seen at the following link:

5. Normal Cost and Actuarial Liability Calculation Application

The next project I have is an application project for calculating Normal Costs and Actuarial liabilities of pension funds using the Python programming language. This project was made with my colleagues with the aim of making it easier for companies to calculate Normal Costs and estimate Actuarial Liabilities for each existing pension fund participant. In addition, this application can model moving interest rates using the CIR interest rate model. The application is expected to be useful in the industry, especially the pension fund industry.

The links of the application prototype are as follows:

6. Scientific writing project

The project of making scientific papers this time was made together with my colleague. This project is about actuarial calculations in the pension fund industry. The scientific paper that my colleague and I made was entitled "Estimasi Iuran Program Pensiun Normal Menggunakan Rantai Markov dan Suku Bunga CIR". This scientific paper discusses the application of Markov chains and moving interest rates in the Pension Fund Industry.

More details can be seen directly in the scientific paper file that my colleagues and I have compiled at the following link:

7. My Last Competition as A Student

At the end of 2023 until February 2024, my friends and I again had the opportunity to participate in a competition, this time the Actuarial Case Competition organized by Logika 2024, Department of Mathematics, Universitas of Indonesia. In the competition, participants were challenged to design an insurance product that could solve or at least reduce the social problem of child labor.

My team and I made a paper entitled "Perancangan Produk Asuransi untuk Mengatasi Masalah Pekerja Anak di Indonesia".  In addition to designing the product, we also need to calculate the amount of premiums that must be paid by prospective participants and their reserves.

The following is the paper we made:

8. My Works During My Internship 

When I did an internship program at one of the banks in Indonesia, I had the opportunity to directly participate in designing some of the Digital Bank features of the bank. I had the opportunity to use Figma as a tool to design the UI/UX of the features being created. The following are some of the preview designs that my seniors and I made at the internship site.

From this internship experience, I learned a lot about the banking system, especially in the digital banking department. I also learned valuable lessons from my seniors about product development processes in banking.

Those are some of the portfolios and projects I've made, I still want to work on and make other works. See you soon!


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